Mission & Vision


To provide academic and resource support to the Elementary, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Adult and Non Formal Educational sectors for the continuous quality improvement.

This is an institute that captures the multi-faceted personality of the elementary education visionaries. The institute performs a wide range of academic activities with the idea of development of a complete personality, self-discipline, spirit of co-operation, innovative ideas, scientific temper and missionary zeal which are the necessary part of studies.


• Quality teacher training, leading to high learning levels among students.

• To provide academic and resource support to the Elementary, Secondary, Senior Secondary, Adult and Non Formal Educational sectors for the continuous quality improvement.

• To organize and support teacher professional development and leadership development programs for Head Masters, senior teachers and School Management Committees on a continued basis

• To develop district academic plans and monitoring the quality of schools and teaching.

• To prepare relevant teaching learning materials and Educational Technology inputs to the Schools.

• To develop curriculum materials and evaluation items for the learners achievement.

• Improving pedagogy and making classroom learning interesting.

• Developing Curriculum and Academic Material such as child-friendly textbooks.

• Planning and Management of elementary, adult education and non-formal education of the district.

• Using Technology in Education.